A new web tool called Meister Tasks was added, which supposedly allows me to convert my MindMeister items into tasks. What a brilliant idea!
Sadly, though, the Meister Tasks component does not work. Period. It is supposed to further the usability of this app, but it is so badly coded that, using an iPad, which is the platform for this app, you cant even create a project, which renders it useless.
Meister Tasks is an extension of MindMeister. The MindMeister app is an app for iOS, but using iOS, there is no way to use Meister Tasks.
Why not create a Meister Tasks app, or incorporate Meister Tasks functionality into MindMeister? Otherwise, you are asking me to use MindMeister on iOS and to use a good old computer for Meister Tasks, which is just unbelievably cumbersome. Not only that, but since I havent tried Meister Tasks on a computer, there is no telling if it would work. I just know it doesnt on an iPad...
Gomba13 about Mind Mapping - MindMeister, v6.3.1